Our services.


Fund administration.

Investor on-boarding including know your customer checks and maintenance of investor registry details. Management fee calculations and carried interest waterfalls. Issuing capital call and distribution notices, collections and payment processing.


CFO Advisory and Middle Office.

Advice on fund terms, formation, structuring, operation and implementation of efficient management company structures and systems. Oversight and co-ordination of third party service providers, and management of financial, compliance and reporting processes.

Accounting and Tax.

Fund general ledger and investment cash flow records. Draft financial statements and income tax returns. Business activity statements, quarterly tax file number reports, annual investment income returns, investor tax statements, FATCA and CRS reporting.


Corporate Secretarial.

Acting as company secretary and public officer, maintenance of corporate records, preparation of resolutions and minutes, attending to corporate actions, instructions and directions for third-party trustees and custodians.


Monthly net asset values and unit prices. Quarterly investor reporting packs and capital account statements. Performance metrics at the deal, fund and investor levels. Management fee and expense reporting, regulatory reports, VCLP returns and investor surveys.


Investor Portal.

Our fund administration clients have the option to use the FIS Digital Data Exchange (DDX) platform as a customised investor portal including dynamic reporting dashboards for delivery of on-demand capital account statements, transaction history and underlying portfolio company valuations.